Get a website created

Nowadays, your website is often the first point of contact with your company and therefore decisive whether a potential customer contacts you or not. The more appealing and optimized your website is, the greater the chance of attracting a new customer.




For a successful website, it takes more than just a beautiful design or modern animations. Instead, our agency's task is to present your company, your product, or yourself optimally while creating a website. At ZUMO Studios, we understand that every customer is unique, and we develop customized solutions tailored precisely to your needs that set you apart from the competition.

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Get a website created by ZUMO - An agency that can
do it all

Modern web design

The first impression counts and for this the design of a website is absolutely crucial. It is important that your website not only looks aesthetically pleasing and professional, but also reflects your identity, your story and your offer and presents it in a logical structure.

User-friendly website

We create your website in a way that allows visitors to quickly and easily find what they are looking for. In addition to a clear and straightforward navigation, the logical structuring of content, the use of established best practices, and user-friendly elements all contribute to this.

Security and privacy

Our customers in Switzerland place a high value on security. Therefore, in our agency, we use HTTPS, always keep software and plugins up to date, utilize secure CMS, and employ software certified with the ISO 27001:2013 standard for all passwords.

Mobile-first Website

Whenever we create a website, we align it with the devices that your users most commonly use. Since this is often the smartphone today, we develop websites with a mobile-first approach. To ensure the website also displays optimally on tablets or desktops, we program content responsively and conduct testing on various screen sizes.

Search engine optimization

If you found us through Google, you already know that we are absolute experts in the field of SEO. Regardless of whether you also utilize the services of our second branch, ZUMO SEO, we always create websites with search engines in mind. That's why we prioritize quick loading times and integrate many SEO-relevant elements in advance.

Website with current content

Successful website is dynamic! New content can be added, and old content can be updated. To ensure our clients can make adjustments themselves even after the handover, we support all common, secure Content Management Systems like Webflow, WordPress, TYPO3, Drupal, Shopify, etc. We tailor this to the client's preferences.




Whether you're a start-up, SME, sole proprietorship, or a large corporation, at our agency, you get everything under one roof: web design, development, testing, training, and thanks to our second branch, ZUMO SEO, we can also offer long-term search engine optimization to ensure your website appears at the top of Google. Even when it comes to the necessary amount of text, our SEO-specialized copywriters can assist you.

We treat the entire package as a single project and provide you with a dedicated point of contact who delves into your subject matter and is available for all your questions. To enable an agile working approach and better respond to your wishes and needs, all our points of contact hold Scrum Master certifications.


At our agency, you can rely on experienced web designers and developers to create a website that is both visually appealing and technically flawless. Our team stays up to date with the latest trends and technologies to provide you with the best possible service and, most importantly, the best possible result. Don't wait any longer!

Contact us today and let us create your website together so you can enhance your online presence and make a lasting impression on your target audience.

Contact us



How we build your website
in 7 steps

01 /

Determine website requirements

The start

The first step in creating your website is to understand the requirements that are important to you. This includes a thorough discussion about your goals, target audience, desired features, and the design concept. The clearer your ideas are, the better we can create your website. Additionally, in this phase, we determine the technical foundation on which your website will be built.


02 /

Planning and concept development

Website according to plan

After the requirements analysis, we create a detailed concept for your website. This includes the website's structure, navigation, color scheme, fonts, and overall design. We also consider aspects such as responsiveness (the website's adaptability to different screen sizes) and user-friendliness.


03 /

Create content for the website

The Content

Once the concept for the website is in place, we move on to creating the content. This includes writing text, creating graphics, and selecting images. We ensure that the content is well-structured and conveys a clear message.


04 /

Create UX/UI Design

The Design

Based on the concept and content, our designers start creating a visual design (mockup) that represents your company and appeals to your target audience. This gives you a good understanding of how your website will look after completion. Upon request, different UX/UI designs can also be created for you to choose from.


05 /

Create a website

The Creating

Once we have agreed on a design, we start building the website. Our developers transform the visual design into a functional website, using modern web technologies and best practices. We place great emphasis on clean and well-structured code to ensure the performance and security of the website. All content is designed to be responsive by default, so it displays optimally on various devices with different screen sizes.


06 /

Testing and optimization

The finishing touch

After the development is completed, the website goes through an extensive testing process. Here, we assess its functionality in various browsers and on different devices to ensure it works flawlessly. We also check loading times and address any potential errors. The goal is to ensure an optimal user experience.

A/B Testing

07 /

Publishing and maintenance

Let's go!

Once all tests are completed, and the website meets your expectations, it can be published. We assist you in setting up web hosting and the domain to ensure your website is accessible online. Additionally, we offer web support to ensure your website remains up to date.


ZUMO - Have your website created by professionals

For a successful website, it takes more than just a beautiful design or modern animations. Instead, our agency's task is to present your company, your product, or yourself optimally while creating a website. At ZUMO Studios, we understand that every customer is unique, and we develop customized solutions tailored precisely to your needs that set you apart from the competition.

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Unser Projektablauf


So erstellen wir Ihre Website
in 7 Schritten

01 /

Anforderungen der Website bestimmen

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Der erste Schritt beim Erstellen Ihrer Website  besteht darin, die für Sie wichtigen Anforderungen zu verstehen. Dies beinhaltet eine gründliche Diskussion über Ihre Ziele, Zielgruppe, gewünschte Funktionen und das Designkonzept. Je klarer Ihre Vorstellungen sind, desto besser können wir Ihre Website erstellen. Auch wird in dieser Phase bestimmt, auf welcher technischen Grundlage Ihre Website erstellt wird.


02 /

Planung und Konzeptentwicklung

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Nach der Anforderungsanalyse erstellen wir ein detailliertes Konzept für Ihre Website. Dies umfasst die Struktur der Website, die Navigation, das Farbschema, die Schriftarten und das allgemeine Design. Wir berücksichtigen auch Aspekte wie Responsiveness (die Anpassungsfähigkeit der Website an verschiedene Bildschirmgrössen) und Benutzerfreundlichkeit.


03 /

Inhalte für die Website erstellen

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Sobald das Konzept für die Website steht, geht es an die Erstellung der Inhalte. Dies umfasst das Schreiben von Texten, die Erstellung von Grafiken und die Auswahl von Bildern. Wir achten darauf, dass die Inhalte gut strukturiert sind und eine klare Botschaft vermitteln.


04 /

UX/UI Design erstellen

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Basierend auf dem Konzept und den Inhalten beginnen unsere Designer mit der Erstellung eines visuellen Designs (Mockup), welches Ihr Unternehmen repräsentiert und Ihre Zielgruppe anspricht. Dies vermittelt Ihnen bereits ein gutes Verständnis dafür, wie Ihre Website nach der Fertigstellung aussehen wird. Auf Wunsch können hier auch unterschiedliche UX/UI Designs zur Auswahl erstellt werden.


05 /

Website erstellen

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Sobald wir uns auf ein Design geeinigt haben, legen wir mit der Erstellung der Website los. Unsere Entwickler setzen das visuelle Design in eine funktionierende Website um, wobei moderne Webtechnologien und bewährte Praktiken zum Einsatz kommen. Wir legen grossen Wert auf sauberen und gut strukturierten Code, um die Leistung und Sicherheit der Website zu gewährleisten. Sämtliche Inhalte werden standardmässig responsiv gestaltet, so dass sie auf verschiedenen Geräten mit unterschiedlichen Bildschirmgrössen optimal angezeigt werden.


06 /

Testen und Optimieren

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Nach Abschluss der Entwicklung durchläuft die Website einen umfangreichen Testprozess. Hier prüfen wir die Funktionalität in verschiedenen Browsern und auf verschiedenen Geräten, um sicherzustellen, dass sie einwandfrei funktioniert. Wir überprüfen auch die Ladezeiten und beheben eventuelle Fehler. Ziel ist es, eine optimale Benutzererfahrung sicherzustellen.

A/B Testing

07 /

Veröffentlichung und Wartung

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Sobald alle Tests abgeschlossen sind und die Website Ihren Erwartungen entspricht, kann diese veröffentlicht werden. Wir unterstützen Sie bei der Einrichtung des Webhostings und der Domain, um sicherzustellen, dass Ihre Website online erreichbar ist. Darüber hinaus bieten wir Ihnen Websupport an, um sicherzustellen, dass Ihre Website stets up to date ist.




Frequently asked questions about the websites

How much does it cost to get a website created?

There is no exact answer to this question. Each website is created based on the needs of each individual company. Each website is unique and requires different components. We design and develop tailor-made websites and do not use templates. The cost mainly depends on the complexity of the website and the number of pages. Contact us to discuss your project. We look forward to hearing from you.

How long does it take to get a website created?

On average, we create a medium-sized website with a development time of six to eight weeks. However, the pace of any project is largely determined by you as a client. How much input can you provide in the initial phase, how available for feedback are you, how quickly can you deliver the content to us - all this influences the development time of your website. In addition, the complexity of your website also plays a big role - more complex websites require more time for development. Take a look at our projects here.



Websites made by our Agency

Enough of words! Our work speaks for itself and will give you the best impression of what to expect when you have us create a website for you. See for yourself with a selection of our agency's reference projects:

Erstellen von Website für Eternity Health Club

Erstellen von Website für Eternity Health Club

Webdesign / Webentwicklung

Onlineshop für Granit Xhaka & Johannes Ucan

Onlineshop für Granit Xhaka & Johannes Ucan

Webdesign / Webentwicklung

E-Shop für Schweizer Männerkosmetik Hersteller

E-Shop für Schweizer Männerkosmetik Hersteller

Webentwicklung / Animationen

Erstellen von Website für Film Agentur Nutshell

Erstellen von Website für Film Agentur Nutshell

Webdesign / Webentwicklung

Erstellen von Website für Swiss Hub Uzbekistan

Erstellen von Website für Swiss Hub Uzbekistan

Webdesign / Webentwicklung

Are you ready to turn your ideas into reality? We are!

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